75 redirects page-to-page. What’s going wrong and why?

75 redirects page-to-page. What’s going wrong and why?

Theory: If you have a page closely to top10 so you can put 1-2 redirects to it and you will see increase in traffic of this page.

Short version in video:

I had 40 AI content websites for testing this theory.

I decided to put different kinds of redirects (301, 302, 303, 307, 308 and canonical) to boost relevant pages in top30.

The donor page also ranks in top100 so both of them are closely related by topical relevancy and optimized properly but they contain different texts.

The text was written through SurferSEO and optimized for a score > 80.

Minimal score is 80 with SURFER
That’s how it looks

For content brief and outline I use Frase.io which I highly recommend. So first we gathered a brief and then we generated content.

You can gather together most popular headings to combine them.

How to find proper page for testing

Before deciding which page you should boost with a redirect you should check this page in Ahrefs.

For example we want top10 for the keyword – best protein powder. We see the page – https://barbend.com/best-whey-protein-powders/ but this page has 93 keywords in top3 so we can’t take this page for test because the results cannot be cleared from other factors – competitors, other links.

In protein powder niche the competition is insane so we can digg into more specific keyword – Best Protein Powder For Weight Gain

I picked this page for example – www.drinkwholesome.com/the-best-protein-powder-for-weight-gain/

It contains keywords in top30 but not in top10 so it fits perfect for our test.

And of course you have the similar page which ranks in top100 for Best Protein Powder For Weight Gain. And from this page you put 301 redirect. This is how it works. But sometimes I don’t have visibility in top100 and I placed redirects without it.

And then I copied 10-15 keywords to Ranktracker. If it will boost – all keywords at one time will increase so it’s not possible to track only with Ahrefs.


75 pages picked, keywords added. Let’s start!

BTW: I really like an interface and usability of Ranktracker. And believe me I saw a lot of rank-tracker tools. :))

My test was from 10 of November 2021 so I think 2-3 months will be enough to see an increase.

Easy to understand and see an increase!

We can see Visibility, Avg. Position and Traffic.

On 1 page I saw a little decrease then restore to average position.

That’s how redirect looks like

But almost all pages have the same picture:

There is no decline nor increase.

The I manually checked all this pages in Ahrefs to see maybe I missed something but the results were the same.

Final thoughts.

I do not see any positive results of my tests. The main idea I suppose is to have a lot of backlinks to pass a link juice. My pages were weak of a link juice so maybe that’s why I didn’t see any results.


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